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Savings Products
These are our saving products aimed at instilling a culture of financial growth to our members
Ordinary Savings Account
This is a basic savings account that each member of the SACCO must have upon entry.
H-Coy Savings Account
This is a savings product extended to children below 18 years belonging to active SACCO members with an intention of instilling a saving culture in them, enabling a smooth education journey through saved school fees and meeting general basis needs of the child of Exodus SACCO members for their welfare.
Retirement Savings Account
This is a savings account where an active member continuously saves and only accesses the money upon exit from the SACCO with an interest of 3% P.a. on the accumulated amount.
Boom/ Fixed Deposit Savings Account
This is a savings product that enables a member to earn interest income on a lump sum de- posit (boom) with EXODUS SACCO for an agreed period of time.
Target Savings
This is a savings account where an individual saves an agreed upon equal monthly installment to achieve a specific goal tagged to time.